
Equestrians Speak up:

Equestrians Speak up:
Don't look away, point fingers!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Reseeding Time !!!

As some of you might already know, our family currently resides in Germany. Over here days are getting shorter now and autumn is running its full programm as scheduled :-)

Rain, storm, fog, a little ice here and there.. Generally I love this season. The forests turn into glowing fireworks, the wind is blowing cold, but the sun still has enough power to warm one up.

However my garden is calling for help and so are the meadows. So for me cutting, digging, planting, raking and reseeding will take off an extra hour or two of the time I have available to work and take care of my family (including horses and all)

So, after pooring myself a nice cup of tea I sat down and thought about you guys :-) Reseeding is a big issue since it builds the foundation of your equestrian operations. Your meadows supply forage for your horses. But not only for them... Lots of animals and insects depend on it. It is part of the ecological system life is based on.

So responsible mangement of your meadows is vital to the environment and the health and welfare of our horses. Reseeding on a regular basis helps keeping your meadows healthy and in shape.
But it is not an easy task. Some of you enjoy the benefit of green grass 24/7, some of you have harsh winters to face up to, some of you live in almost desert-like areas...

However I thought providing you with a link to a nationwide listing for companies offering organic, non-GE, and untreated seeds would be a very good idea.
Most of those companies carry different type of seeds for different type of climates and locations.

So , pls, do take some time to look into this issue.

I already have and my seeds are on its way :-)

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