
Equestrians Speak up:

Equestrians Speak up:
Don't look away, point fingers!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What does your presidential candidate stand for ?

Electronic Farm Hands – High tech among the crops

  • Alternatives to wasting fossil fuels ?
  • Alternatives to bio-fuels ?
  • Solution to environmental problems of corporate farming ?
  • Support of regional markets in agri-businesses ?
  • Funding of environmental research ?

Well, tomorrow is on its way.

Those are the type of research-projects which need to be funded !!

We urgently need alternatives to todays energy patterns.

I am asking myself today: "Which of the presidential candidates represents a more down to earth approach towards energy alternatives and environmental issues ? Who will be able to get the backup of key players in the global market in order to do so ? "
"I will end three decades of failed energy policies; stop sending $700 billion to countries that oppose American values and finance our enemies; and drill for oil and natural gas. We must strengthen incentives for all energy alternatives -- nuclear, clean coal, wind, solar and tide. We will encourage the manufacture of hybrid, flex fuel and electric automobiles. We will lower the cost of energy, and create millions of new jobs." ( John McCainSeptember 5, 2008 Acceptance Speech)

" We've got rising food prices here in the US. In other countries we're seeing riots because of the lack of food supplies. So this is something that we're going to have to deal with. There are a number of factors that go into this. Changes in climate are contributing. There's no doubt that biofuels may be contributing to it. My top priority is making sure that people are able to get enough to eat. And if it turns out that we've got to make changes in our ethanol policy to help people get something to eat, then that's got to be the step we take. But I also believe that ethanol has been a important transitional tool for us to start dealing with our long-term energy crisis ultimately. Over time we're going to shift to cellulosic ethanol, where we're not using food stocks but we're using wood chips & prairie grass. " (Obama on Meet the Press: 2008 "Meet the Candidates" series May 4, 2008 )

(Click on Picture to read more)

To me it is clear: Whoever sets foot on the right path will succeed in all respects. The world turned into one giant marketplace where cause and effect dictate the rules. Bio-fuel for one means hunger for someone else and less money in our pockets.

For us equestrians the wrong path could cause a rise of feed prices, land loss due to corporate farming, loss of regional markets, less alternatives in regards to our resources ec... just to name a few..
Think about it twice before you cast your vote.

(Click on Picture to read more)

Will your presidential candidate stand for this ?

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